Contact information
Uttara Shahani
Research Fellow in the History of Forced Migration
Uttara Shahani is a historian. She has research interests in the history of modern South Asia, the British Empire, colonialism, partitions, refugee regimes, Sindh, and the Sindh diaspora
Uttara qualified as a lawyer before completing a PhD on Sindh and the partition of India and an ESRC funded postdoctoral research fellowship at the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge. Prior to her appointment as a Departmental Lecturer, she was a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr Anne Irfan at the Refugee Studies Centre on the British Academy-funded research project Borders, global governance and the refugee, examining the historical origins of the global refugee regime with a focus on South Asia and Palestine.
Uttara teaches on the postcolonial borders and forced migration and research methods courses.
She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
‘The Unfamiliarity of the Past-Interview with Joya Chatterji on the release of Partition's Legacies,’ for Permanent Black, (with Sohini Chattopadhyay), November 2020.
‘Writing the legacies of a partition: a conversation with Joya Chatterji', (with Sohini Chattopadhyay), November 2020.
A Conversation with Harmony Siganporia on 'I am the Widow: An Intellectual Biography of Behramji Malabari,' December 2019.
‘The dispersal of displaced persons in the British empire and beyond: from World War Two to the Partition of India', Refugee History Blog, June 2021.
Round Tables
CM Roundtable VII on Pippa Virdee's ‘From the Ashes of 1947: Reimagining Punjab,’ Chapati Mystery, August 2021.
‘Sindh is not a piece of territory-Sindhi belonging in India’, The Leaflet Special Issue on Citizenship, 26 January 2021.
Recent publications
Analysing archives to write migration histories
Uttara Shahani, (2024), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 116 - 135
Offshoring refugees: colonial echoes of the UK-Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership
Journal article
Michael Collyer and Uttara Shahani, (2023), Social Sciences, 12 (8)
Language without a Land: Partition, Sindhi Refugees, and the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution
Journal article
Uttara Shahani, (2022), Asian Affairs
Following Richard Burton: Religious Identity and Difference in Colonial Sindh
Journal article
Uttara Shahani, (2022), Philological Encounters, 1 - 34
Refugee Legal Challenges to the Bombay Government's Land Requisition Housing Scheme
Journal article
Uttara Shahani, (2018), Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (4), 73 - 79