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A research assistant is pictured in Pagirinya refugee settlement, Adjumani, Uganda, amongst traditional grass-thatched homes © Y Gidron
Lam, a research assistant and translator working with the Refugee Economies Programme, at Pagirinya refugee settlement, Adjumani, Uganda

The latest RSC Annual Report is for 2022–2023, available below.

Annual reports and academic records dating back to 1998–1999 give details of activities at the RSC alongside information on staffing and finance.

Annual Report 2022-2023 (PDF 8 MB)

Annual Report 2021-2022 (PDF 5.8MB)

Annual Report 2020-2021 (PDF 4.5MB)

Annual Report 2019-2020 (PDF 3.7MB)

Annual Report 2018-2019 (PDF 3.9MB)

Annual Report 2017-2018 (PDF 2.3MB)

Annual Report 2016–2017 (PDF 4.2MB)

Annual Report 2015–2016 (PDF 2.6MB)

Annual Report 2014–2015 (PDF 5.4MB)

Annual Report 2013–2014  (PDF 2.11MB)

Annual Report 2012–2013  (PDF 1.67MB)

Annual Report 2011–2012 (PDF 2.10MB)

Academic Record 2009–2010 (PDF 656KB)

Academic Record 2007–2009 (PDF 315KB)

Annual Report 2006–2007 (PDF 1.61MB)

Annual Report 2003–2005 (PDF 1.88MB)

Annual Report 2002–2003 (PDF 673KB)

Annual Report 2001–2002 (PDF 960KB)

Annual Report 2000–2001 (PDF 919KB)

Annual Report 1999–2000 (PDF 561KB)

Annual Report 1998–1999 (PDF 494KB)