The latest RSC Working Paper, Researching forced migration: critical reflections on research ethics during fieldwork, is published this week. Written by Ulrike Krause (Center for Conflict Studies at Marburg University; RSC Research Associate and RSC Visiting Research Fellow, Hilary term 2017), it aims to bring together multi-disciplinary debates on research ethics. It critically discusses guiding principles and practical issues, and proposes ways forward in order to spark further discussion.
Krause views research ethics in two ways – as a code of conduct for scholars, and as a framework for normative scrutiny of research in a broader sense. Topics covered in the paper include the Do No Harm framework; relations and responsibilities of researchers to participants and among research teams, with reflections on participatory approaches; communication of results to scholars, humanitarian agencies, and to participants; and the benefits of interdisciplinary platforms for exchange and research scrutiny. Throughout, Krause draws on the growing body of literature and her own fieldwork experience.
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