Deconstructing Biometric Refugee Registration
Friday, 15 June 2018, 2pm to 6pm
Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
Hosted by Refugee Studies Centre
This workshop will consist of presentations and discussion around the following questions related to registration, with a particular focus on biometric registration:
- How has refugee registration changed over time, and for what reasons?
- How do refugees and ‘street level’ bureaucrats experience and understand registration?
- How do the interests of states, refugees and international organisations impact and shape registration procedures?
Confirmed speakers include:
Shane O’Brien, Registration Officer (Identity Management), UNHCR
Dr Anja Simonsen, Biometrics Border Worlds Project, University of Copenhagen
Dr Katja Jacobsen, author of Politics of Humanitarian Technology (Routledge, 2017)
To register for the workshop, please email Nora Bardelli ( with your name, organisational affiliation and reason for your interest in attending (no more than 250 words). Capacity for the workshop is limited and so all registration requests will be reviewed before attendance can be confirmed. The deadline for registration is Friday 11th May.
A drinks reception will be held for all participants after the workshop.
Podcasts are available of the presentations by Dr Anja Simonsen and Dr Katja Jacobsen here >>
The workshop is funded by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) / Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Research and Dissemination Fund.