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Refugee voices: exploring the border zones between states and state bureaucracies

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2016), Refuge, 32 (1), 3 - 6

Refuge from Syria: Policy Recommendations

Policy note

Dawn Chatty et al, (2016)

Research in Brief: ERPUM and the Drive to Deport Unaccompanied Minors

Research in Brief

Martin Lemberg-Pedersen and Dawn Chatty, (2015), RSC Research in Brief 4

Ensuring quality education for young refugees from Syria (12-25 years): a mapping exercise (summary)

Policy note

Sarah Wahby, Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Metin Çorabatır, Leen Hashem, Jalal Al Husseini, (2014)

Anthropology and forced migration


Dawn Chatty, (2014), In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E., Loescher, G., Long, K., Sigona, N. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies

The making of a cosmopolitan quarter: Sha'laan in the 20th century

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2014), Syria Studies, 6 (2), 29 - 54

Book Review: Fertile Bonds: Bedouin Class, Kinship, and Gender in the Bekaa Valley

Book review

Dawn Chatty, (2014), Nomadic Peoples, 18 (2), 165 - 167

The persistence of Bedouin identity and increasing political self-representation in Lebanon and Syria

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2014), Nomadic Peoples, 18 (2), 16 - 33

Syria's Bedouin enter the fray: how tribes could keep Syria together

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2013), Foreign Affairs

They aren't all first cousins: Bedouin marriage and health policies in Lebanon

Journal article

Dawn Chatty et al, (2013), Ethnicity & Health, 19 (5), 529 - 547

Refugees, exiles, and other forced migrants in the late Ottoman Empire

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2013), Refugee Survey Quarterly, 32 (2), 35 - 52

Conceptual problems in forced migration

Journal article

Dawn Chatty and Philip Marfleet, (2013), Refugee Survey Quarterly, 32 (2), 1 - 13

Refugees in the Middle East: identity politics among Sahrawi, Palestinian and Aghan youth


Dawn Chatty, (2013), In: Hashemi, M., Sánchez-Jankowski, M. (eds) Children in Crisis: Ethnographic Studies in International Contexts

Special Issue: Conceptual Problems in Forced Migration

Journal issue

Dawn Chatty and Philip Marfleet (eds), (2013), Refugee Survey Quarterly, 32 (2)

Rejecting authenticity in the desert landscapes of the modern Middle East: development processes in the Jiddat il-Harasiis


Dawn Chatty, (2013), In: Hafez, S., Slyomovics, S. (eds) Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium

Bedouin in Lebanon: social discrimination, political exclusion, and compromised healthcare

Journal article

Dawn Chatty et al, (2013), Social Science & Medicine, 82, 43 - 50

Guests and hosts: Arab hospitality underpins a humane approach to asylum policy

Journal article

Dawn Chatty, (2013), Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Spring

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Forced Migration Review (FMR)

Forced Migration Review presents concise, accessible articles on forced migration in a magazine format.

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Journal of Refugee Studies (JRS)

The Journal of Refugee Studies provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration.

RSC research in brief Series

This series presents concise summaries of research in an accessible and engaging format.

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RSC Working Paper Series

This series is intended to aid the rapid distribution of research findings, work in progress, and special lectures.

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RSC Policy Briefing Series

This series seeks to stimulate debates on issues of key interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners.

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Studies in Forced Migration

This book series is published by Berghahn Books, in association with the Refugee Studies Centre.