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Getting by or getting ahead: resettlement inputs and social capital in involuntary resettlement

Journal article

Melissa Quetulio-Navarra, Roger Zetter, Anke Niehof, and Feng Zhao, (2017), Journal of Population and Social Studies, 29 (2), 99 - 118

The politics of rights protection for environmentally displaced people

Journal article

Roger Zetter, (2017), Siirtolaisuus-Migration Quarterly, 1/2017, 5 - 12

Why they are not refugees – Climate change, environmental degradation and population displacement

Journal article

Roger Zetter, (2017), Siirtolaisuus-Migration Quarterly, 1/2017, 23 - 28

Refugees’ Right to Work and Access to Labor Markets – An Assessment. Part I: Synthesis

Working paper

Roger Zetter and Héloïse Ruaudel, (2016), KNOMAD Working Paper and Study Series

Refugees’ Right to Work and Access to Labor Markets – An Assessment. Part II: Country Cases

Working paper

Roger Zetter and Héloïse Ruaudel, (2016), KNOMAD Working Paper and Study Series

Development and protection challenges of the Syrian refugee crisis

Journal article

Roger Zetter and Héloïse Ruaudel, (2014), Forced Migration Review

Creating identities, diminishing protection and the securitisation of asylum in Europe


Roger Zetter, (2014), In: Kneebone, S., Stevens D., Baldassar, L. (eds) Refugee Protection and the Role of Law: Conflicting Identities

The environment-mobility nexus: reconceptualising the links between environmental stress, mobility and power


Roger Zetter and James Morrissey, (2014), In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E., Loescher, G., Long, K., Sigona, N. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies

Environmental stress, displacement and the challenge of rights protection


Roger Zetter and James Morrissey, (2014), In: Martin, S., Weerasinghe, S. W., Taylor, A. (eds) Humanitarian Crises and Migration: Causes, Consequences and Responses, 179 - 198

Environmental stress, displacement and the challenge of rights protection

Journal article

Roger Zetter and James Morrissey, (2014), Forced Migration Review, 45

Violent conflict, population mobility and displacement: a micro analysis


Roger Zetter et al, (2013), In: Justino, P., Brück, T., Verwimp, P. (eds) A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence and Development, 206 - 227

The problem of externalising the EU’s borders


Roger Zetter, (2013), In: Shifting Borders: Externalising Migrant Vulnerabilities and Rights?, 36 - 37

Through an anthropologist's lens – a retrospective on the work of Peter Loizos

Journal article

Roger Zetter, (2013), The Cyprus Review, 25 (1), 169 - 182

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Forced Migration Review (FMR)

Forced Migration Review presents concise, accessible articles on forced migration in a magazine format.

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Journal of Refugee Studies (JRS)

The Journal of Refugee Studies provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration.

RSC research in brief Series

This series presents concise summaries of research in an accessible and engaging format.

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RSC Working Paper Series

This series is intended to aid the rapid distribution of research findings, work in progress, and special lectures.

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RSC Policy Briefing Series

This series seeks to stimulate debates on issues of key interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners.

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Studies in Forced Migration

This book series is published by Berghahn Books, in association with the Refugee Studies Centre.