Deprivation of Citizenship through a Political Lens
Matthew J Gibney, (2020), The World’s Stateless 2020: Deprivation of Nationality, 207 - 210
When States Take Rights Back: Citizenship Revocation and Its Discontents
Émilien Fargues, Elke Winter, Matthew J Gibney (editors), (2020)
Banishment and the pre-history of legitimate expulsion power
Matthew J Gibney, (2019), Citizenship Studies
Denationalisation and discrimination
Matthew J Gibney, (2019), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
The Unworthy Citizen
Bridget Anderson and Matthew J Gibney, (2017), Within and Beyond Citizenship: Borders, Membership and Belonging
Refugees and justice between states
Matthew J Gibney, (2015), European Journal of Political Theory, 1 - 17
Beware states piercing holes into citizenship
Matthew Gibney (Audrey Macklin & Rainer Baubock, editors), (2015), The Return of Banishment: Do the New Denationalisation Policies Weaken Citizenship?
The Deprivation of Citizenship in the United Kingdom: A Brief History
Matthew Gibney, (2014), Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law, 28.4, 326 - 335
Political theory, ethics and forced migration
Matthew J Gibney, (2014), In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E., Loescher, G., Long, K., Sigona, N. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
Liberal democratic states and responsibilities to refugees
Matthew J Gibney, (2014), In: Hathaway, J. (ed) Human Rights And Refugee Law
‘A very transcendental power’: denaturalisation and the liberalisation of citizenship in the United Kingdom
Matthew J Gibney, (2013), Political Studies, 61 (3), 637 - 655
Deportation, crime, and the changing character of membership in the United Kingdom
Matthew J Gibney, (2013), In: Franko Aas, K., Bosworth, M. (eds) The Borders of Punishment: Migration, Citizenship, and Social Exclusion
Should citizenship be conditional? The ethics of denationalization
Matthew J Gibney, (2013), The Journal of Politics, 75 (3), 646 - 658