Recognising Refugees: A Review of the Literature and Approaches (1990-2020)
Derya Ozkul and Caroline Nalule, (2023), RefMig Working Paper No. 1/2023
Refugee Recognition Regime Country Profile: Lebanon
Derya Ozkul, (2023), RefMig Working Paper No. 3/2023
"Like Handing My Whole Life Over": The German Federal Administrative Court’s landmark ruling on mobile phone data extraction in asylum procedures
Francesca Palmiotto and Derya Ozkul, (2023), Verfassungsblog
In memory of Stephen Castles: Studying migration as part of social transformation
Derya Ozkul, (2023), International Migration, 61, 307 - 310
The Alevis in Modern Turkey and the Diaspora: Recognition, Mobilisation and Transformation
Derya Ozkul and Hege Markussen (eds), (2022)
How do refugees navigate the UNHCR’s bureaucracy? The role of rumours in accessing humanitarian aid and resettlement
Derya Ozkul and Rita Jarrous, (2021), Third World Quarterly, 42 (10), 2247 - 2264
Migration and social transformation through the lens of locality: a multi-sited study of experiences of neighbourhood transformation
Rebecca Williamson et al, (2021), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Exploring RSD handover from UNHCR to States
Caroline Nalule and Derya Ozkul, (2020), Forced Migration Review, 65, 27 - 29
Recognising refugees: understanding the real routes to recognition
Cathryn Costello et al, (2020), Forced Migration Review, 65, 4 - 7
Participatory research: still a one-sided research agenda?
Derya Ozkul, (2020), Migration Letters, 17(2), 229 - 237
Syrian refugees’ return from Lebanon
Tamirace Fakhoury and Derya Ozkul, (2019), Forced Migration Review, 62, 26 - 28
The making of a transnational religion: Alevi movement in Germany and the World Alevi union
Derya Özkul, (2019), British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A tribute to Prof Stephen Castles
Derya Ozkul and Vince Marotta, (2018), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39 (2), 111 - 113
Special Issue: Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles
Derya Ozkul and Vince Marotta, (2018), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39 (2)
Editors’ introduction: Precarious lives and Syrian refugees in Turkey
Derya Ozkul and Mine Eder, (2016), New Perspectives on Turkey, 54, 1 - 8
Special Issue: Precarious lives and Syrian refugees in Turkey
Derya Ozkul and Mine Eder, (2016), New Perspectives on Turkey, 54