Refuge in the Levant and Eastern Mediterranean: Spaces of containment or places of choice?
Dawn Chatty, (2024), Journal of Refugee Studies
Refuge in Syria: Where Duty Outweighs Human Rights Based Approaches
Dawn Chatty, (2024), Urban Displacement: Syria’s Refugees in the Middle East, 213 - 232
The antecedents of forced migration in the Middle East
Dawn Chatty, (2023), Handbook on Forced Migration, 176 - 181
When Perceptions and Aspirations Clash: Humanitarianism in Syria’s Neighboring States
Dawn Chatty, (2021), Everybody’s War: The Politics of Aid in the Syria Crisis
Introduction to Special Issue: Displaced Syrians
Dawn Chatty, (2021), Journal of Refugee Studies, 34 (2), 1284 - 1290
Commentary: When Hospitality turns into Hostility in Prolonged Forced Migration
Dawn Chatty, (2020), International Migration, 58 (3), 258 - 260
The duty to be generous (karam): Alternatives to rights-based asylum in the Middle East
Dawn Chatty, (2017), Journal of the British Academy, 5, 177 - 199
The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Understanding Perceptions and Aspirations in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
Dawn Chatty, (2016), LSE Middle East Centre Collected Papers, 6, 55 - 60
The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Disparities in Perceptions, Aspirations, and Behaviour in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
Dawn Chatty, (2016), IDS Bulletin, 47 (3), 19 - 33
Refugee voices: exploring the border zones between states and state bureaucracies
Dawn Chatty, (2016), Refuge, 32 (1), 3 - 6
Research in Brief: ERPUM and the Drive to Deport Unaccompanied Minors
Martin Lemberg-Pedersen and Dawn Chatty, (2015), RSC Research in Brief 4
Research in Brief: The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Disparities in perceptions, aspirations and behaviour in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey
Dawn Chatty, (2015), RSC Research in Brief 3
Ensuring quality education for young refugees from Syria (12-25 years): a mapping exercise (summary)
Sarah Wahby, Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Metin Çorabatır, Leen Hashem, Jalal Al Husseini, (2014)
Ensuring quality education for young refugees from Syria (12–25 years): a mapping exercise
Dawn Chatty et al, (2014)
Anthropology and forced migration
Dawn Chatty, (2014), In: Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E., Loescher, G., Long, K., Sigona, N. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
The making of a cosmopolitan quarter: Sha'laan in the 20th century
Dawn Chatty, (2014), Syria Studies, 6 (2), 29 - 54
Book Review: Fertile Bonds: Bedouin Class, Kinship, and Gender in the Bekaa Valley
Dawn Chatty, (2014), Nomadic Peoples, 18 (2), 165 - 167