Deprivation of Citizenship through a Political Lens
Matthew J Gibney
About 'The World's Stateless Report 2020: Deprivation of Nationality': Othering is on the rise around the world. Linked to the rise of nationalism, it is among the most pressing problems of the 21st century. In this era of rising authoritarianism, growth of the security state, increasing populism, xenophobia and racism, citizenship is under threat in ways not seen for generations. As more states instrumentalise nationality and treat it as a privilege that can be taken away, members of minority communities, human rights defenders, dissidents and suspected terrorists are all more likely to be stripped of their nationality – facing acute human rights depravations as a result. The growing (mis)use of citizenship stripping powers to target some, undermines the sanctity of citizenship for all. This edition of the flagship report of the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, The World’s Stateless 2020 explores the issue of citizenship deprivation. Various experts and organisations have contributed material – essays, interviews, refections and more – collectively forming a truly interdisciplinary view on the subject. The report also includes the Principles on Deprivation of Nationality as a National Security Measure. As with every edition, the report also offers an overview of the state of statelessness globally in 2020.