Book Review: Diaspora and Transnationalism: Concepts, Theories and Methods
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
The papers in this edited collection arise from a multidisciplinary conference organized by the International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe Research Network (IMISCOE) in 2008. While the contributions primarily focus on migration within and to Europe, they draw upon case-studies from all continents, illustrating the transnational flows of people, resources, ideas and political forces that characterize the modern world. In line with the increasing visibility and intensity of international and transnational connections, academics and policy-makers alike have developed and contested diverse concepts, theories and methods to better understand and respond to cross-border migration and its multi-faceted impacts. Among these, the two most widely invoked concepts and theoretical frameworks are related to 'diasporas' and 'transnationalism', whose meaning, compatibility, usefulness and over-usage are explored throughout the volume.