Professor Alexander Betts has a new opinion piece in The Guardian, highlighting the difference between Europe’s current approach to refugees and that of a number of African countries.
He writes that in Europe “asylum policies are failing both refugees and citizens”, with negotiations on the fair distribution of refugees deadlocked. One thing, he says, that European governments have agreed upon is the creation of “migration partnerships” with African countries such as Niger – partnerships that aim to reduce the number of migrants reaching Europe.
However, as he states, Africa now hosts more refugees than any other region of the world. He argues that “when it comes to refugees, Europe should think differently about African states. Instead of just being objects of inducement and coercion, many should offer inspiration… some are adopting pioneering solutions from which the rest of the world might learn.”
He cites examples of “self-reliance models” from Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia that demonstrate how “the economic inclusion of refugees can be good for everyone.”
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