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Thousands march in solidarity with refugees in London, September 2016 © UNHCR/Andrew McConnell
Thousands march in solidarity with refugees in London, September 2016

Everyday Resistance to the European Governance of Migration

This term's public seminar series focuses on “Everyday resistance to the European governance of migration”. As national immigration and asylum regimes become increasingly restrictive in countries around the world, “Fortress Europe” stands out for its efforts to regulate human movement both within and beyond its borders. Following the 2015 “crisis”, spikes in detention and deportation have been common features of European migration management. But there are also examples of resistance by migrants and citizens, who defy, endure, and creatively navigate these systems and practices of exclusion, often in ways that are overlooked in legal and institutional accounts of migration governance. This term, four Oxford-based speakers will describe situations in which such efforts become visible (and audible), through diverse case studies from sites on both sides of the Mediterranean. While focused on dramatically different situations and activities, they share an interest in alternative understandings of migration governance, as well as the practices by which people contend with state strategies, xenophobic narratives, and exclusionary practices.

The Trinity term seminar series is convened by Dr Cory Rodgers.

Time and location

Seminars take place on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30pm in Seminar Room 1, Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB. No registration is required except for the Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture on 5 June.

If you would like to receive updates about our public seminars and lectures, please visit our Connect With Us page and subscribe to our email alerts.

Trinity Term seminars

8 May

Civil solidarity and the hunt for undocumented migrants. Two Belgian case studies 

Dr Robin Vandevoordt, Refugee Studies Centre


15 May

Mobility economies: immobility, accumulation and migration in Libya 

Dr Marthe Achtnich, Magdalen College, University of Oxford


22 May

Endurance and involuntary return to Senegal 

Dr Anne-Line Rodriguez, Queen Mary University of London


29 May

Sonopolis: sound, citizenship, and migrant activisms in Athens

Dr Tom Western, Refugee Studies Centre


5 June

Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture 2019

Professor Peter Redfield, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Registration is required for this lecture. Details will be announced shortly.