We are delighted to announce our Public Seminar Series for Michaelmas term 2015. This term's series will focus on the theme of ‘Refugee Economies’.
In recent academic and policy arenas in forced migration, the issue of how to understand refugees’ economic lives has emerged as one of the most pressing agendas. This seminar series will therefore gather leading scholars who have been working on related issues in order to consolidate the empirical and theoretical knowledge of refugee economies. Speakers will be convened from diverse and inter-disciplinary backgrounds from anthropology, economics, and political science. In addition to knowledge building, this seminar series is intended to initiate nurturing wider networks of researchers working on economic lives of refugees and to establish a common space for exchanging ideas, discussing findings and challenges.
We also have the Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture this term, to be delivered by Professor Walter Kälin (Envoy of the Chairmanship of the Nansen Initiative, and Professor of Constitutional and International Law, University of Bern) on Wednesday, 4 November. Professor Kälin will be speaking on ‘“We do not want to become refugees”: Human mobility in the age of climate change’. Information on the lecture and how to register is available here.
If you would like to receive updates about our public seminars and lectures, please visit our Connect With Us page and subscribe to our email alerts.
Michaelmas term seminars
13 October 2015, Special lunchtime seminar, Meeting Room A
Africa after neo-abolition: asylum politicization, expert testimony, and the legacy of anti-trafficking advocacy
Professor Benjamin N. Lawrance (Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA)
14 October 2015
21 October 2015
Refugee economies: forced displacement and development
Professor Alexander Betts (RSC)
28 October 2015
Displacement economies: thinking through the paradoxes of crisis and creativity
Professor Amanda Hammar (University of Copenhagen)
4 November 2015
'We do not want to become refugees': Human mobility in the age of climate change
Professor Walter Kälin (Envoy of the Chairmanship of the Nansen Initiative, and Professor of Constitutional and International Law, University of Bern)
11 November 2015
Navigating Nakivale: the borderland economy of a refugee camp
Professor Morten Bøås (The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)
18 November 2015
The labour market of forced migration
Professor Carlos Vargas-Silva (COMPAS, University of Oxford)
25 November 2015
Being Oromo in Nairobi's 'Little Mogadishu': Eastleigh's Ethiopian refugees and their livelihoods
Dr Neil Carrier (African Studies Centre, University of Oxford)
2 December 2015
From macro-economy to political economy: situating the refugee development discourse at the large scale
Professor Roger Zetter (RSC)
Time and location
Seminars take place from 5.00-6.30pm in Seminar Room 1, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, OX1 3TB – unless indicated otherwise. No registration is required* and everyone is welcome to attend.
* The 2015 Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture will take place at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW. It is free to attend and open to all, but registration is required. To register, please contact the Centre Administrator, Anneli Chambliss Howes, at anneli.chambliss@qeh.ox.ac.uk or on +44 (0)1865 281720.
For all enquiries, please contact rsc@qeh.ox.ac.uk