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book cover for Refuge: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing WorldRefuge: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World (Oxford University Press, 2017) by Alexander Betts (Refugee Studies Centre) and Paul Collier (Blavatnik School of Government) has been shortlisted for the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize 2019.

Awarded in every edition of the Estoril Conferences, the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize publicly recognizes the author(s) of a submitted book that best deals with significant global issues, while seeking to provide both new analyses and new perspectives related to globalization and its inherent challenges, so as to help the world better understand its global relevant risks and collective action problems.

For this edition, a record number of 51 books were submitted for consideration by an international jury, with five books selected for the shortlist. These are:

  • Refuge: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World (Oxford University Press), Alexander Betts & Paul Collier
  • Global Inequality – A New Approach for the Age of Globalization (Harvard University Press), Branko Milanovic
  • Future Politics – Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech (Oxford University Press), Jamie Susskind
  • The Future of Capitalism – Facing the New Anxieties (Penguin Allen Lane), Paul Collier
  • How Democracy Dies (Penguin Random House) Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt


The jury, chaired by POLITICO’s Global Editor, Matthew Kaminski, will review the book award shortlist before announcing the winner later this month. The prize consists of 15,000 Euros with the winner giving a keynote speech and receiving the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize during the 6th edition of the Estoril Conferences.

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Alexander Betts People

Refugee Economies Programme Research