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Palais des Nations, Geneva © Eferrante / Wikimedia Commons
Palais des Nations, Geneva

Please note: podcasts from this series are now available on SoundCloud

We are delighted to announce our Public Seminar Series for Trinity term 2015. This term's series will focus on the theme of 'Global refugee policy'.  

Global refugee policy is a formal statement of, and proposed course of action in response to, a ‘problem’ relating to protection, solutions or assistance for refugees or other persons of concern to the global refugee regime. It is discussed and approved within UNHCR’s governing structures, and is intended to either limit the behaviour of governments or guide UNHCR’s activities. Despite the time and resources invested in the making, implementation and evaluation of global refugee policy, and concerns about the elements and implications of particular policies, our understanding of the process that leads to these policies at the global level, and factors affecting their implementation at the local level, is surprisingly limited.

Building on discussions at the RSC’s 30th Anniversary Conference and the December 2014 Special Issue of Journal of Refugee Studies on the topic, this seminar series will examine particular aspects of the global refugee policy process to further our understanding of how global refugee policy is made, implemented and evaluated, and the extent to which a more critical understanding of this process contributes to our ability to influence outcomes.

We also have the Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture this term, to be delivered by Miriam Ticktin (The New School for Social Research) on Wednesday, 10 June. Professor Ticktin will be speaking on 'Innocence: understanding a political concept'. Please follow the link to read more and register.

If you'd like to receive updates about our public seminars and lectures, please visit our Connect With Us page and subscribe to our email alerts. 

Trinity term seminars

29 April 2015
Understanding global refugee policy: the case of naturalisation in Tanzania
Dr James Milner (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University)

6 May 2015
Better late than never? The evolution and implementation of UNHCR's urban refugee policy
Dr Jeff Crisp (independent consultant) and MaryBeth Morand (Senior Policy and Evaluation Officer, UNHCR)

13 May 2015
Ethnographic understandings of global refugee policy: Looking at policy in practice
Dr Marion Fresia (Professeure assistante, Institut d’ethnologie, Université de Neuchâtel)

20 May 2015
UNHCR’s protection guidelines: What role for external voices?
Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill (Emeritus Fellow, All Souls College)

27 May 2015
Global policy for IDPs: A parallel process?
Dr Phil Orchard (Senior Lecturer, Peace and Conflict Studies and International Relations, University of Queensland)

10 June 2015
Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture
Professor Miriam Ticktin (The New School for Social Research)

Please note: There is no seminar on 3 June.

time and location

All seminars take place at 5pm in Seminar Room 1, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, OX1 3TB. No registration is required* and everyone is welcome to attend. 

*The 2015 Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture will take place in the Garden Room and is free to attend and open to all, but registration will be required. To register, please contact the Centre Administrator, Anneli Chambliss Howes, at or on +44 (0)1865 281720.


For all enquiries, please contact