Naohiko Omata (Senior Research Officer) has a new article in the latest issue of Migration Letters. In the article, ‘Contributors or competitors? Complexity and variability of refugees’ economic ‘impacts’ within a Kenyan host community’, he draws upon qualitative research undertaken with refugees and host populations in Kenya to shed light on the complexity and variability of refugees’ economic impacts on a host community. Refugees’ economic interactions with host communities are complex in nature, and therefore their economic impacts may be viewed, experienced and distributed unequally amongst members of the host population. Together this makes these economic impacts hard to measure. Through a case study in Nairobi’s outskirts, this article demonstrates different patterns of engagement between refugees and the local population in the context of a labour market, and reveals contrasting views towards refugees’ economic impacts within the host community.
New article by Naohiko Omata examines the complexity of refugee-host economic relationships
5 April 2019