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RSC Public Seminar Series, Michaelmas Term 2017
Series convened by Dr Jeff Crisp

About the speaker

Veronique is a political scientist by training with a particular interest in humanitarian policy, humanitarian negotiations with armed non-state actors, conflict and security, protection, gender based violence and livelihoods. Previously she worked at the World Food Programme, conducting research on humanitarian policy issues in Central African Republic, Chad, Kenya, Mali, South Sudan, and Sudan.

She joined the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute as a Research Fellow in September 2013. She has worked for several years in the Humanitarian Policy Unit of the World Food Programme focusing on protection in food assistance. Her background research includes a PhD on humanitarian engagement with armed-non state actors.

Prior to her PhD, Veronique worked with Geneva Call, a Swiss NGO engaging armed groups on humanitarian issues. Veronique has conducted research for her PhD and WFP in Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya and several other places in Africa. Veronique holds a PhD from the Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit of the University of York.


The ODI video played during the presentation can be found at:

Relevant ODI reports can be found at:

RSC Research in Brief 7: Refugee Self-Reliance: Moving Beyond the Marketplace