This year, for the first time in its 30-year history, the renowned International Summer School in Forced Migration is going online! To meet growing international demand for the course and to remain available in the midst of the current pandemic, the school will be held twice online this year, once in July and once in September. We will take some of the best features of the Summer School and offer them in a new, financially accessible and shortened format.
Each Online School will involve an intensive, interdisciplinary and participative approach to the study of forced migration that enables people working with refugees and other forced migrants to reflect critically on the forces and institutions that dominate the worlds of displaced people. The course combines Oxford’s tradition of academic excellence with a stimulating discussion-based method of teaching, learning and reflection.
Participants will have early access to pre-recorded lectures and readings which will be followed by live online seminars and discussions. The School’s engaging academic content will be complemented by a range of social and networking opportunities for participants.
The Online Schools are principally designed for policymakers, practitioners and early career academics working on refugee protection and related issues, normally with several (usually at least five) years of work experience. Participants typically include staff of the main refugee, migration and humanitarian international organisations; staff from refugee, human rights and humanitarian NGOs, and government officials working on refugee protection and related issues. Those from refugee backgrounds who work for refugee advocacy and community groups are particularly welcome.