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IRIN reports on innovations and challenges in the cash assistance sector

In the recent article 'Latest innovations in cash transfers', IRIN reports on the radical changes in aid delivery brought about by cash assistance schemes, as well as their risks and future potential. 

Christopher Foster of the Oxford Internet Institute, who presented the Cash Atlas project at the Humanitarian Innovation Conference last month, discusses his research in Kenya on the efficacy of aid delivery through cash transfers using mobile phones. Cash Atlas is an online tool from the the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a collaboration between 5 major NGOs set up to improve cash assistance programmes within the humanitarian sector. The Atlas maps cash transfer programmes at a global level, enabling the sector to learn and better coordinate delivery. 

IRIN also talks to representatives from the EU and the World Food Programme, who say that Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) has already significantly altered the way they deliver emergency aid, and has the potential to completely transform it – if the humanitarian sector is ready. 

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Humanitarian Innovation Project Research

Humanitarian Innovation Conference 2014 Events