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FMR 53 is available online free of charge

© UNHCR / Sebastian Rich
Caqueta, Colombia

It is often people’s immediate community that provides the first, last and perhaps best tactical response for many people affected by or under threat of displacement. In the 23 feature theme articles in this issue of FMR, authors from around the world – including authors who are themselves displaced – explore the capacity of communities to organise themselves before, during and after displacement in ways that help protect the community.

FMR 53 also includes eight ‘general’ articles on other aspects of forced migration: gender in the international refugee regime; peace in Colombia; statelessness in Europe; entrepreneurship among refugee women in Australia; health on the Thai-Burma border; humanitarian visas in Brazil; innovation and technology; and midwifery in South Africa.

The issue will be available in print and online in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. FMR is free of charge in print and online. Read it in full here:

Feature themes in 2017 will include ‘Resettlement’ and ‘Shelter’; see for details or sign up for FMR’s occasional email alerts at