Now online, Forced Migration Review issue 66 includes three features. In the main feature, on Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), authors debate initiatives and challenges in this field, and advocate for strengthened collaboration and new ways of thinking. The Data and displacement feature examines recent advances in gathering and using data. Finally, the Missing migrants feature explores initiatives to improve data gathering and sharing, identification of remains, and assistance for families left behind.
FMR 66 is available in two formats: full magazine and a shorter Editors’ briefing. All articles are also available individually in HTML and PDF formats at
The magazine and accompanying Editors’ briefing will also be available online and in print in Arabic and Spanish.
We are grateful to the following for supporting FMR 66: ACT Alliance/Kerk in Actie, GxJ Lab at Lurie Children’s, IFRC Psychosocial Centre, IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, Scientia A/Prof Simon Rosenbaum (UNSW Sydney), Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Tufts University School of Medicine, and World Vision UK. Thanks also to all our core donors.