From 13-15 April, the 13th Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship took place at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School. The Forum is the premier international platform for advancing entrepreneurial approaches and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The RSC Director, Professor Alexander Betts, spoke at the closing plenary session on Friday. Talking on the subject of ‘Refugees as a resource’, he presented an alternative vision for refugees, for how refugees are viewed and how refugee crises can be managed.
He stated, “I think we can have a new vision… if we could recognise that it’s about incubating human talents, enabling people to flourish, they will contribute to our societies while they are here and they will rebuild their societies when they go back. What I’ve argued is very simple… that these people are human beings and as such they will be able to help themselves, and make a contribution, if we let them.”
Watch the video of his talk here >>