Matthew Willner-Reid, RSC and ODID alumnus, has written a briefing for the Migration Policy Institute on ‘Afghanistan: Displacement Challenges in a Country on the Move’.
This interesting and accessible briefing explores historical and contemporary migration patterns in Afghanistan, including displacement from and returns to the country, attempts to develop migration policies, and emerging and ongoing migration and displacement challenges facing the government and international organizations.
“Few countries have witnessed the scale of population movements that Afghanistan has experienced during what is now approaching almost four decades of war,” he writes. “In the context of a chronically weak state unable to impose the rule of law, extreme poverty… and a heavy dependence on subsistence agriculture in an inhospitable and often drought-afflicted climate, it is unsurprising that many millions of Afghans have been driven to leave their homes and seek shelter both within and beyond the borders of their country.”
Read the briefing here >>