Refugee denial: Settler colonialism and the making of the Global North imaginary
Dr Laura Madokoro (Carleton University)
Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 5pm to 6pm
Zoom webinar
Hosted by Refugee Studies Centre
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2021
Refugee Histories in the Global South
How does forced migration look different if we examine it through a historical perspective? How have refugees been historical actors, as well as victims? This series examines a range of topics that illuminate these questions, by examining the historical entanglements between migration, im/mobility, colonialism, race, and borders.
Series convener: Dr Anne Irfan, Departmental Lecturer in Forced Migration
About the speaker
Laura Madokoro is Associate Professor of History at Carleton University, Canada. Her research explores various facets of the history of refugees and humanitarianism. She is especially interested in questions relating to settler colonialism, human rights and race and is the author of Elusive Refuge: Chinese Migrants in the Cold War (Harvard University Press, 2016). Her current SSHRC-funded research explores the history of sanctuary in Canada from the 17th century to the present, with a focus on post-Confederation sanctuary practices among a variety of religious and secular communities. She is co-director of Histoire Sociale / Social History, a member of the editorial collective at and a member of the New College of Artists, Scholars and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Further information:
This seminar will be held via Zoom. Register online here
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Watch the webinar recording on YouTube.