Network analysis techniques for refugee and forced migration research
Alex Tasker (Visiting Research Fellow)
Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 1pm to 2pm
Seminar Room 1, Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
Hosted by Refugee Studies Centre
About the speaker
Alex is a dual-trained development anthropologist and veterinary surgeon who researches networks of knowledge creation between development organisations and marginalised communities. Alex’s PhD explored innovation and adaptation amongst the camel-owning Gabra pastoralists of Northern Kenya, and he is currently developing a postdoctoral study to examine creativity between refugee and host communities in Kakuma Camp, Kenya.
Alex specialises in working with marginalised communities using mixed-methods approaches, most recently developing Social Network Analysis techniques to examine how pastoralists’ attitudes and identities can shape community-led adaptations. Working the RSC Alex will continue to explore how combined network and qualitative techniques can provide new perspectives on refugee creativity.
Alex holds a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed) from the Royal Veterinary College, BSc in Medical Physics and MSc in Anthropology, Environment, and Development from University College London, and has recently completed his PhD at the University of Sussex.
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