Iraqi Displacements: Addressing the Protection Crisis
Friday, 23 March 2007
Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB, UK
Hosted by Dr Simon Addison (RSC)
This event convened around thirty prominent academic experts, humanitarian practitioners and policy decision makers to engage in a roundtable debate on the current situation of Iraq’s forced displacement crisis. The debate included deliberations on the situation facing both Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people, will provide a neutral forum for the sharing of information, analysis and opinion regarding 1) the current status of the forced displacement crisis, 2) the protection challenges faced by humanitarian agencies in the region, and 3) recommendations for action. The roundtable provided an opportunity for thinkers and decision makers to share ideas and develop analyses prior to the international donor conference on Iraq which took place in Geneva in April 2007.A briefing document including a summary analysis of both events will be available shortly.