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Chileans of the North posterInspired by the London Migration Film Festival happening this November, SolidariTee, Oxford University’s Filmmaking Foundation and the Oxford Sanctuary Community proudly present this special screening of “Chileans of the North”, as well as a Q&A session with the film’s director, Chris Paul, and others.

‘Chileans of the North’ explores the story of refugees who made a new home in South Yorkshire. The participants share what happened at the time of the coup and its aftermath, what it was like to start a new life in the UK, and how activism and solidarity brought a community together. Told through first-hand stories, archive material and music, it’s a story that spans two continents and 50 years.


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Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture

The Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture is held in Trinity term. It is named after Professor Elizabeth Colson, a renowned anthropologist.

Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture

The Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture is named in honour of Dr Barbara Harrell-Bond, the founding Director of the Refugee Studies Centre. It is held each year in Michaelmas term.

Public Seminar Series

Each term the RSC holds a series of public seminars, held on Wednesday evenings at Queen Elizabeth House. Click here for details of forthcoming seminars.

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