The meaning of nationality for the purposes of diplomatic protection
Chiara Cipolletti (Visiting Study Fellow, Refugee Studies Centre)
Tuesday, 09 February 2016, 1pm to 2pm
Meeting Room A, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, OX1 3TB
About the speaker
Chiara Cipolletti is a Ph.D. candidate in International Law, at the Faculty of Law, University of Teramo, Italy. Her fields of interest include refugee law, nationality and statelessness. Chiara’s aim is to study the link between the State and individual which entitles the State to exercise diplomatic protection of nationals, stateless persons and refugees. Chiara is exploring whether the changing role of nationality influences the implementation of diplomatic protection.
Chiara holds an honours degree in Law from the University of Bologna, Italy. She also studied at the University of Glasgow and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany.
Publications include:
‘La Promozione dell'accesso all'energia: un nuovo diritto tutelato a livello internazionale?’, Chiara Cipolletti, (2014), (eds. E. A. Carnevale et al) Verso una Politica Energetica Integrata, pp. 591-607.
‘Cittadinanza statale e cittadinanza europea: il caso della legge maltese’, Chiara Cipolletti, (2014), Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2, pp. 463-485.
‘La Privazione della cittadinanza nel contrasto ai foreign terrorist fighters e il diritto internazionale’, Chiara Cipolletti, (2016), Rivista di diritto internazionale.
The title of her research is: "The meaning of nationality for the purposes of diplomatic protection."
For any enquiries about this event, please contact Tara-Sienna Hartman at