SEMINAR CANCELLED Bargains of inclusion: why some states give refugees the right to work
Professor Alexander Betts and Dr Olivier Sterck (Refugee Studies Centre)
Tuesday, 03 December 2019, 1pm to 4pm
Meeting Room A, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
Hosted by Refugee Studies Centre
About the speakers
Alexander Betts is Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs, William Golding Senior Fellow in Politics at Brasenose College, and Associate Head (Doctoral and Research Training) of the Social Science Division, at the University of Oxford. He served as Director of the Refugee Studies Centre between 2014 and 2017. His research focuses mainly on the political economy of refugee assistance, with a focus on Africa. He currently leads the IKEA Foundation-funded Refugee Economies Programme, which undertakes participatory research on the economic lives of refugees in Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia.
Olivier Sterck is an economist working in the areas of development and health economics. His research is multidisciplinary in scope, building bridges between several fields of study, from the economics of conflicts and HIV to International Relations. Part of it is based on fieldwork conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. As part of the Refugee Economies Programme, Olivier contributes his expertise in econometrics and economic modelling to the study of refugee economies. He is currently using quantitative methods to study refugee economies in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia.
For any enquiries about this event, please contact Eliya Beachy at