Improving refugee resettlement
Professor Alexander Teytelboym (University of Oxford)
Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 1pm to 2pm
Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
Hosted by Refugee Studies Centre
RSC Public Seminar Series Hilary Term 2023
'Forced Migration and Digital Technologies: (Dis)continuities in Actors and Power Relations'
Series convenors: Dr Derya Ozkul and Dr Marie Godin
This year the RSC Public Seminar Series will take place through (usually) fortnightly seminars on Tuesday lunchtimes from 1-2pm, but please check the details for each seminar.
The current refugee resettlement system is inefficient because there are too few resettlement places and because refugees are resettled to locations where they might not thrive. I will overview some recent efforts to improve employment outcomes of refugees arriving to the United States. I will then describe some recent efforts to incorporate refugees' preferences in processes that match them to locations.
About the speaker
Alexander Teytelboym is Associate Professor in Economics in the Department of Economics, University of Oxford. His main research interests lie within market design (e.g. matching markets and auctions) and network economics. He is also interested in the applications of economic theory to many policy areas, including environment, energy, and refugee resettlement. He is the Director of the Oxford University Business Economics Programme.