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The rights of non-citizens to membership


Matthew J Gibney, (2011), In: Sawyer, C., Blitz, B. (eds) Statelessness in the European Union, 41 - 68

Citizenship, deportation and the boundaries of belonging

Journal article

Bridget Anderson et al, (2011), Citizenship Studies, 15 (5), 547 - 563

Dynamics of Conflict and Forced Migration in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Event report

Henning Tamm and Claire Lauterbach, (2011)

Dynamics of Conflict and Forced Migration in the Democratic Republic of Congo (French)

Event report

Henning Tamm and Claire Lauterbach, (2011)

Global Migration Governance


Alexander Betts (ed), (2011)

High-skilled labour migration


Alexander Betts and Lucie Cerna, (2011), In: Betts, A. (ed) Global Migration Governance

Histories of displacement: intersections between ethnicity, gender and class

Journal article

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, (2011), The Journal of North African Studies, 16 (1), 31 - 48



Alexander Betts, (2011), In: Betts, A. (ed) Global Migration Governance

Introduction: Boundaries of belonging: deportation and the constitution and contestation of citizenship

Journal article

Bridget Anderson et al, (2011), Citizenship Studies, 15 (5), 543 - 545

Responding to protracted refugee situations: lessons from a decade of discussion

Policy briefing

Gil Loescher and James Milner , (2011), RSC Policy Briefing Series, 6

Special Issue: Boundaries of Belonging: Deportation and the Constitution and Contestation of Citizenship

Journal issue

Bridget Anderson et al, (2011), Citizenship Studies, 15 (5)

The War About the Wars: Rational Choice in Angola and Mozambique

Journal article

Will Jones, (2011), Balliol Annals, 1

UNHCR and the global governance of refugees


Gil Loescher and James Milner, (2011), In: Betts, A. (ed) Global Migration Governance

What I did on my holidays, or: the use of debating in Rwandan civic education

Journal article

Will Jones, (2011), Monash Debating Review, 9

International cooperation and the anti-trafficking regime

Working paper

Megan C. Brand , (2010), RSC Working Paper Series, 71

The struggle for belonging: forming and reforming identities among 1.5-generation asylum seekers and refugees

Working paper

Sewite Solomon Kebede , (2010), RSC Working Paper Series, 70

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Forced Migration Review (FMR)

Forced Migration Review presents concise, accessible articles on forced migration in a magazine format.

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Journal of Refugee Studies (JRS)

The Journal of Refugee Studies provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration.

RSC research in brief Series

This series presents concise summaries of research in an accessible and engaging format.

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RSC Working Paper Series

This series is intended to aid the rapid distribution of research findings, work in progress, and special lectures.

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RSC Policy Briefing Series

This series seeks to stimulate debates on issues of key interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners.

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Studies in Forced Migration

This book series is published by Berghahn Books, in association with the Refugee Studies Centre.