Search results (167)
« Back to PublicationsAnalysing archives to write migration histories
Uttara Shahani, (2024), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 116 - 135
Refuge in Syria: Where Duty Outweighs Human Rights Based Approaches
Dawn Chatty, (2024), Urban Displacement: Syria’s Refugees in the Middle East, 213 - 232
The antecedents of forced migration in the Middle East
Dawn Chatty, (2023), Handbook on Forced Migration, 176 - 181
IOM’s Immigration Detention Practices and Policies: Human Rights, Positive Obligations and Humanitarian Duties
Angela Sherwood et al, (2023), IOM Unbound? Obligations and Accountability of the International Organization for Migration in an Era of Expansion, 360 - 396
Post-migratory Identities: Changing Masculinities in Kim Thúy’s Vi
Ashwiny O. Kistnareddy, (2023), Touching Beauty The Poetics of Kim Thúy, 110 - 125
Femi(ni)cide as war as femi(ni)cide: Violence and justice-seeking beyond borders
Dilar Dirik, (2023), The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide
Mekap - A Social History of the “Terrorist Shoe” that Fought ISIS
Dilar Dirik, (2023), Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics
‘In London, I Am a European Citizen’: Brexit, Emotions, and the Politics of Belonging
Nando Sigona and Marie Godin, (2023), Revising the Integration-Citizenship Nexus in Europe, 129 - 144
The Mediating Role of Education: Learning as Syrian Refugee Young People in Jordan
Hiba Salem, (2022), Education, Migration and Development: Critical Perspectives in a Moving World
Methodological and Ethical Reflections on the Displaces Participatory Photographic Project in the ‘Calais Jungle’
Marie Godin and Giorgia Dona, (2022), Documenting Displacement: Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research, 224 - 249
When Perceptions and Aspirations Clash: Humanitarianism in Syria’s Neighboring States
Dawn Chatty, (2021), Everybody’s War: The Politics of Aid in the Syria Crisis
Human Trafficking and Refugees
Catherine Briddick and Vladislava Stoyanova, (2021), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
Non-penalization and Non-criminalization
Cathryn Costello and Yulia Ioffe, (2021), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
The Right to Work
Colm O'Cinneide and Cathryn Costello, (2021), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
The Global Compact on Refugees and the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: The Ripples of Responsibility-Sharing
Evan Easton-Calabria, (2021), The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees, 125 - 133
The ‘mobility turn’: economic inequality in refugee livelihoods
Naohiko Omata, (2021), Handbook of Culture and Migration, 287 - 300
Migration and Human Rights in Africa: The Policy and Legal Framework in Broad Strokes
Caroline Nalule, (2020), African Migrants and the Refugee Crisis, 96 - 111
Whose agency? UNRWA and Palestinian refugees in history
Anne Irfan, (2020), UNRWA at 70: Palestinian Refugees in Context, 21 - 29
Hosting Refugees as an Investment in Development: Grand Designs versus Local Expectations in Turkana County, Kenya
Cory Rodgers, (2020), Land, Investment & Politics : Reconfiguring East Africa’s Pastoral Drylands, 89 - 100